Reading Lists

March 3rd, 2017. Filed under: research.

I love a good reading list and have found ones posted online so helpful in building my own (for example, the Critical Algorithm Studies list), so I thought I’d share a couple. First is a recent list I made for the open access journal Places and the remaining three are from my PhD qualifying exams. Happy reading!


print by Ann Altstatt

1) Cloud Vision, reading list for Places Journal

How can we understand the vast assemblages of networked computers that have come to subtend almost every aspect of political, social, and cultural life? Constantly at work on massive scales and at the speed of light, exceeding our ability to make sense of them, they construct the world in unpredictable and surprising ways. Hidden behind metaphors like ‘the cloud,’ fragments of these networks sometimes come into view. Geographies of wires, cables, data centers, servers, satellites, and other material things that make computing possible dot the landscape, if one knows where to look. Sometimes these networks become visible upon breakdown, as hacked appliances take down whole sections of the internet or as computational models fail spectacularly to predict human action and desires. And they are constantly producing new ways of seeing and acting in the world by making particular patterns, processes, and inferences visible to users. The cloud, then, poses unique theoretical and methodological challenges for scholars attempting to make sense of these emerging geographies. The reading list that follows offers a number of cuts on this problem from scholars in a range of disciplines, all with their heads in the cloud.


2) Qualifying exams reading lists







Braver, L. 2007. A Thing of This World. (Early chapters on Kantian Revolution)

Descartes, R. 1637. Discourse on the method for conducting one’s reason well and for seeking truth in the sciences

Kant, I. 2009 (1781). Critique of pure reason. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Introduction by Patricia Kitcher, Part I: Transcendental Aesthetic & Logic–stop at Division I)



Foster, JB. 2000. Marx’s Ecology. (Introduction, Chapters 5 & 6, and Epilogue)

Marx, J. 1858. The Grundrisse. (Fragment on the Machines and other small selections)

Marx, K. 1981(1867). Capital: a critique of political economy. London; New York, N.Y: Penguin Books.

Engels, F. 1880. “Socialism: Utopian and Scientific”

Kropotkin, P. A. 2008 (1902). Mutual aid: a factor of evolution. [Charleston, SC]: Forgotten Books.

Benjamin, W. 1986 (1940). Theses on the Philosophy of History. In Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books.

Adorno, T. W. and Horkheimer 2002 (1944). Dialectic of enlightenment: philosophical fragments. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press.

Marcuse, H. 1991 [1964]. One-dimensional man: studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society. Boston: Beacon Press.

Althusser, L. 1965. “Theory, Theoretical Practice and Theoretical Formation”

Althusser, L. 1965. For Marx. (Introduction, Chapters 2, 6, & 7)

Lecourt, D. 1976. Proletarian Science? the Case of Lysenko.



Bergson, H. 1907. Creative Evolution.

Canales, J. 2005. “Einstein, Bergson, and the Experiment that Failed: Intellectual Cooperation at the League of Nations” MLN 120.,bergsonandtheexperimentthatfailed%282%29.pdf?sequence=2

Beck, A. 2005. Heidegger and Relativity Theory: Crisis, authenticity and repetition. ANGELAKI journal of the theoretical humanities, 10(1), 163-179.

Freud, S. 1961 [1930]. Civilization and its discontents. New York: Norton.

Husserl, E. 1936. Crisis of European Sciences.

Bachelard, G. 2002 (1938). The formation of the scientific mind: a contribution to a psychoanalysis of objective knowledge Manchester: Clinamen.

Reich, W. 1946. The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux: New York.



Fleck, L. 2008 (1935). Genesis and development of a scientific fact. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.

Webb, D. (2005). Microphysics: From Bachelard and Serres to Foucault. Angelaki Journal of Theoretical Humanities., 10(2), 123-133.

Snow, C.P. 1959. The Two Cultures. (Lecture)

Koyré, A. 1959. From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe.

Popper, K. 1959 (1935). The Logic of Scientific Discovery

Kuhn, T. S. 1996 (1962). The structure of scientific revolutions 3rd ed. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Canguilhem, G. 2000. A vital rationalist: selected writings from Georges Canguilhem. New York: Zone Books.

Foucault, M. 1994 (1970). The order of things: an archaeology of the human sciences. New York: Vintage Books.

Foucault, M. The Essential Foucault: Ethics, Subjectivity, Truth. (“Technologies of the Self”)

Serres, M. 1968, Hermes: Literature, Science, Philosophy

Feyerabend, P. 1993 (1975). Against method 3rd ed. London ; New York: Verso.

Hacking, I. 1990. The Taming of Chance.

Latour, B. 1986. Laboratory life: the construction of scientific facts. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.

Winner, L. 1993. Upon Opening the Black Box and Finding It Empty: Social Constructivism and the Philosophy of Technology. Science, Technology, & Human Values 18 (3):362–378.

Latour, B. 2004. Why Has Critique Run out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern. Critical Inquiry 30 (2):225–248.

Daston L. and P. Galison. 1992. “The Image of Objectivity”



Aitken, A. 2005. Editorial Introduction. Angelaki Journal of Theoretical Humanities., 10(2), 1-12.

Dosse, F. 1997. History of structuralism. Minneapolis, Minn: University of Minnesota Press.

Lévi-Strauss, C. 1949. The Elementary Structures of Kinship (Prefaces and Introduction)

De Beistegui, M. 2005. Science and Ontology: From Merleau Ponty’s “Reduction” to Simondon’s “Transduction.” Angelaki Journal of Theoretical Humanities., 10(2), 109-122.

Simondon, G. 1958. Du Mode D’existence Des Objets Techniques.

Derrida, J. 1967. Structure, sign, and play in the discourse of the human sciences. In Writing and Difference

Deleuze, G. and F. Guattari. 1980. A Thousand Plateaus (“Geology of Morals,” “Micropolitics and Segmentarity,” “Treatise on Nomadology,” “Apparatus of Capture”)

Deleuze, G. and F. Guattari. 1991. What is Philosophy?

Stengers, I. 2005. Deleuze and Guattari’s Last Enigmatic Message. Angelaki, 10(2), 151-167.

Stengers, I. 1993. Invention of Modern Science

Stiegler, B. 1998. Technics and time I. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press.

Hayles, K. 1999. How we became posthuman: virtual bodies in cybernetics, literature, and informatics. Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press.



De Beauvoir, S. 1949. The Second Sex. (Part I: “The Data of Biology,” “The Psychoanalytic Point of View,” and “The Point of View of Historical Materialism”)

Merchant, C. 1980. The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution. (Chapters 1, 6-9, 12)

Keller, E.F. 1985. Reflections on Gender and Science.

Irigaray, L. 1985 “In Science, Is the Subject Sexed?”

Harding, S. G. 1986. The science question in feminism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Haraway, D. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14 (3):575.

Fausto-Sterling. 1993. The five sexes. The Sciences. 33(2), 20-24.

Fausto‐Sterling, A. 2000. The five sexes, revisited. The Sciences, 40(4), 18-23.

Haraway, D. J. 1997. Modest₋Witness@Second₋Millennium.FemaleMan₋Meets₋OncoMouse: feminism and technoscience. New York: Routledge.

Nelson, D. 1998. National Manhood. (Chapters 3&4)

Wilson, E.A. 2004. Psychosomatic: Feminism and the Neurological Body. Durham: Duke University Press.

Adams, V., Murphy, M., & Clarke, A. E. 2009. Anticipation: Technoscience, life, affect, temporality. Subjectivity, 28(1), 246-265.

Murphy, M. 2012. Seizing the Means of Reproduction: Entanglements of Feminism, Health, and Technoscience.



Fanon, F. 1956. Black Skin, White Masks.

Cleaver, E. 1970. On lumpen ideology. London: Black Liberation Front.

Newton, H. P. 2002 (1972). The Huey P. Newton reader. New York :Seven Stories Press. (Chapter: The Technology Question)

Stoler, A. 1995. Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault’s History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things.

Reardon, J., & TallBear, K. 2012. Your DNA is our history. Current Anthropology, 53(S5), S233-S245.

Weheliye, A. 2014. Habeas Viscus: Racializing Assemblages, Biopolitics, and Black Feminist Theories of the Human.

Nelson, A. 2013. Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight against Medical Discrimination.

Browne, S. 2016. Dark Matters: On the Surveillance of Blackness.

Coleman, M. 2016. State Power in Blue (Political Geography Plenary Lecture). Political Geography. Vol 51 (1): 76-86.



Sunder Rajan, K. 2002. Biocapital: The Constitution of Postgenomic Life.

McKenzie, D. 2006. An Engine, Not a Camera.

Barad, K. M. 2007. Meeting the universe halfway: quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning. Durham: Duke University Press.

Collapse:: philosophical research and development. Vol. 2. 2007: Speculative realism. 2012. Falmouth: Urbanomic.

Meillassoux, Q. 2008. After finitude: an essay on the necessity of contingency. London ; New York: Continuum.

Chakrabarty, D. 2009. The climate of history: Four theses. Critical Inquiry 35 (2):197–222.

Kirby, V. 2011. Quantum Anthropologies: Life at Large. Duke University Press.

Myers, Natasha. 2015. Rendering Life Molecular: Models, Modelers, and Excitable Matter




Semple, Ellen Churchill. 1911. Influences of Geographic Environment. New York: Henry Holt., pp. v-viii (“Preface”). 1-31 (Chapter 1:“The Operation of Geographic Factors in History”).

Peet, R. 1985. The Social Origins of Environmental Determinism. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 75(3), 309-333.



Sauer, C.O. 1925. The morphology of landscape. In Land and Life.

Vidal de la Blache, P. 1926: Principles of human geography, trans. M.T. Bingham; ed. E. de Martonne. New York: Henry Holt. (selections)

Hartshorne, R. 1939: The nature of geography: a critical survey of current thought in light of the past. Lancaster, PA: Association of American Geographers. (selections)

Hägerstrand, T. 1970. What about people in regional science? Papers of the regional science association, vol. 24, pp. 7-21.

Massey D. 1979. In what sense a regional problem? Regional Studies 13: 233– 43.

Haggett, P. 1965. Locational Analysis in Human Geography. (selections)

Barnes, T. 2003. The place of locational analysis: A selective and interpretive history. Progress In Human Geography, 27(1), 69-95.

Jones, M. 2009. Phase space: geography, relational thinking, and beyond. Progress in Human Geography, 33(4), 487-506.



Schaefer. 1953. Exceptionalism in Geography: A Methodological Examination.

Tobler, W. 1961. Map Transformations of Geographic Space (dissertation).

Harvey, D. 1969. Explanation in Geography. (intro and conclusion)

Olsson, G. 1974: The dialectics of spatial analysis. Antipode 6(3): 50–62.

Gatrell, A. C. 1983. Distance and Space: A Geographical Perspective. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press.

Barnes, T.J. 2004: Placing ideas: genius loci, heterotopia, and geography’s quantitative revolution. Progress in Human Geography 29: 565–95.

Poon, J. P. H. 2005. Quantitative methods: not positively positivist. Progress in Human Geography 29 (6):766–772.

Bunge, W. W. 1988. Nuclear War Atlas. Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell.

Harley, J. Brian, 1989. Deconstructing the Map. Cartographica, 26(2): 1-20.



Lynch, K. 1960. The Image of the City.

Tuan, Yi Fu, 1976. Humanistic Geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 66(2): 266-76.

Buttimer, Anne, 1976. Grasping the Dynamism of the Lifeworld. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 66(2): 277-292.

Entrikin, J. Nicholas, 1976. Contemporary Humanism in Geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 66(4): 615-632.

Pickles, J. 1985. Phenomenology, science and geography: spatiality and the human sciences



Harvey, D. 1988 (1973). Social Justice and the city. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (Intro and Conclusion)

Lefebvre, H. 1991(1974). The production of space. Oxford, OX, UK; Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.

Lefebvre, H. Writing on Cities. [Rhythmanalysis and Right to the City]

Forer, P. 1978. A place for plastic space?. Progress in human geography, 2(2), 230-267.

Giddens, A. 1984: The constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.

Smith, N. 2008 [1984]. Uneven development: nature, capital, and the production of space 3rd ed. Athens: University of Georgia Press.

Hagerstrand, T. 1985: Time-geography: focus on the corporeality of man, society and environment. In S. Aida, ed., The science and praxis of complexity. Tokyo: The United Nations University, 193–216.

Sheppard, E. S. and T. Barnes. 1990. The Capitalist Space Economy: Geographical Analysis After Ricardo, Marx and Sraffa. London: Unwin Hyman

Soja, E.W. 1989. Postmodern geographies: the reassertion of space in critical social theory. London: Verso.

Harvey, D. 1989. The Condition of Postmodernity.


Dyck, I. 1990. Space, time and renegotiating motherhood: an exploration of domestic workplace. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 8: 459–83.

Duetsche, Rosalyn, 1991. Boy’s Town. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 9(1): 5-31.

Massey, D. 1993. Power-geometry and a progressive sense of place. In J. Bird, B. Curtis, T. Putnam, G. Robertson and L. Tickner, eds, Mapping the futures: local cultures, global change. London: Routledge, 60–70.

Rose, Gillian, 1993. Feminism and Geography. London, Polity Press: 137-160 (Chapter 7).

Smith, N. and Katz, C. 1993: Grounding metaphor: towards a spatialized politics. In M. Keith and S. Pile, eds, Place and the politics of identity. London: Routledge, 67–83. (available online through UW)

Gregory, D. 1994. Geographical imaginations. Oxford: Blackwell.

Massey, D. B. 1994. Space, place, and gender. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Soja, E. W. 1996. Thirdspace: journeys to Los Angeles and other real-and-imagined places. Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell.

Sheppard, E. 2002. The Spaces and Times of Globalization: Place, Scale, Networks, and Positionality. Economic Geography, 78(3), 307-330.



Philo, C., 1992. Foucault’s geography. Environment and planning D: society and space, 10(2), pp.137-161.

Katz, C., 1996. Towards minor theory. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 14(4), pp.487-499.

Gibson-Graham, J. K. 1996. The end of capitalism (as we knew it): a feminist critique of political economy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Dixon, Deborah, and Jones III, John Paul, 1998. My Dinner with Derrida, or Spatial Analysis and Poststructuralism do Lunch. Environment and Planning A 30: 247-260.

Robbins, P., 1998. Paper forests: imagining and deploying exogenous ecologies in arid India. Geoforum, 29(1), pp.69-86.

Rose, G. 1999. Performing space in D. Massey, J. Allen, and P. Sarre, eds, Human geography today. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 247–59.

Dewsbury, J.D., Harrison, P., Rose, M. and Wylie, J., 2002. Enacting geographies. Geoforum, 33(4), pp.437-440.

Whatmore, S. 2002: Hybrid geographies: natures, cultures, spaces. London: Sage.

Gregory, D. 2004. The Colonial Present. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Massey, D. B. 2005. For space. London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE.

Weizman, E. 2007. Hollow Land: Israel’s Architecture of Occupation

Thrift, N. 2008: Non-representational theory: space/politics/affect. London: Routledge.

Woodward, K. et al. 2009. Of Eagles and Flies: orientations towards the site.

Wainwright, J. 2010. Decolonizing Development [introduction and 4-5, on mapping]



Lacan, J., 2006a [1966], The function and field of speech and language in psychoanalysis.In Écrits. Translated and edited by B. Fink. New York, NY: Norton, 197 – 268.

Lacan, J., 2006b [1966], On a question prior to any possible treatment of psychosis. In Écrits.Translated and edited by B. Fink. New York, NY: Norton, 445 – 488.

Dialogues in Human Geography. November 2011; 1 (3) (SPECIAL ISSUE on topology)

Environment and Planning D. October 2009; 27 (5) (SPECIAL ISSUE on Badiou and Topology)

Crang, M. and Travlou, P. S., 2001, The city and topologies of memory. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 19, 161 – 177.

Callon, M. and Law, J. 2004. Introduction: Absence — Presence, Circulation, and Encountering in Complex Space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 22, 3–11.

Kingsbury, P. 2007. The extimacy of space. Social and Cultural Geography, 8, 235– 258.

MacCannell, J. F. 2009. Eternity or infinity? Badiou’s Point. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 27, 823– 839.

Allen, J., 2011a, Topological twists: Power’s shifting geographies. Dialogues in Human Geography 1, 283 –298.

Dixon, D. P., & Jones, J. P. 2015. The tactile topologies of Contagion. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 40(2), 223-234.

Blum, V. and Secor, A. 2011. Psychotopologies: Closing the circuit between psychic and material space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 29, 1030 – 1047.

Giaccaria, P. and Minca, C., 2011, Topographies/topologies of the camp: Auschwitz as a spatial threshold. Political Geography, 30, 3– 12.

Lata, I. B., & Minca, C. 2015. The surface and the abyss/Rethinking topology. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 0263775815622086.

Law, J. and Mol, A. 2001. Situating technoscience: An inquiry into spatialities. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol. 19, 609 –621.

Malpas, J., 2012, Putting space in place: philosophical topography and relational geography. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.

Martin, L., & Secor, A. J. 2013. Towards a post-mathematical topology. Progress in Human Geography, 0309132513508209.

Secor, A. 2013. 2012 Urban Geography Plenary Lecture Topological City. Urban Geography, 34(4), 430-444.



Agamben, G. 1998. Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press.

Ariew, R. (ed) 2000. Leibniz and Clarke: Correspondence.

Deleuze, G. 1986. Foucault. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Deleuze, G., 1993. The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Derrida J. 2007 [1970] Structure, sign, and play in the discourse of the human sciences. In: Writing and Difference

Foucault, M. 1986. Of Other Spaces. Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism, 16(1), 22-27.




Kittler, F. 1992. There is No Software. Stanford Literature Review 9 (1):81–90.

Star, S. L., & Ruhleder, K. 1996. Steps toward an ecology of infrastructure: Design and access for large information spaces. Information systems research, 7(1), 111-134.

Beniger, J. R. 1997. The control revolution: technological and economic origins of the Information Society print. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press.

Star, S. L. 1999. The Ethnography of Infrastructure. American Behavioral Scientist 43 (3):377–391.

Bowker, G. C., and S. L. Star. 1999. Sorting things out: classification and its consequences. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. (Intro, Conclusion, and selections on infrastructure)

Graham, S. & Marvin, S. 2001. Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition.

Galloway, A. R. 2004. Protocol: how control exists after decentralization. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Dourish, P., and G. Bell. 2007. The infrastructure of experience and the experience of infrastructure: meaning and structure in everyday encounters with space. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 34 (3):414–430.

Edwards, P. N., G. C. Bowker, S. J. Jackson, and R. Williams. 2009. Introduction: an agenda for infrastructure studies. Journal of the Association for Information Systems 10 (5):6.

Bowker, G. C., Baker, K., Millerand, F., & Ribes, D. 2009. Toward information infrastructure studies: Ways of knowing in a networked environment. In International handbook of internet research (pp. 97-117). Springer Netherlands.

Easterling, K. 2014. Extrastatecraft: the power of infrastructure space. London; New York: Verso.

Hu, Tung-Hui. 2015. A Prehistory of the Cloud. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.

Peters, J. D. 2015. The marvelous clouds: toward a philosophy of elemental media. Chicago; London: the University of Chicago Press.

Amoore, L. 2016. Cloud geographies: Computing, data, sovereignty. Progress in Human Geography.



Van Dijck, J. 2009. Users like you? Theorizing agency in user-generated content. Media, culture, and society, 31(1), 41.

boyd, d. 2010. Social network sites as networked publics: Affordances, dynamics, and implications. In Z. Papacharissi (Ed.), Networked self: Identity, community, and culture on social network sites (pp. 39–58). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis

Introna, L. 2011. The Enframing of Code: Agency, Originality and the Plagiarist. Theory, Culture & Society 28 (6): 113-41.

Massanari, A. 2015. #Gamergate and The Fappening: How Reddit’s algorithm, governance, and culture support toxic technocultures. New Media & Society.

Scannell, Josh. 2015. “What Can An Algorithm Do?” DIS Magazine

Burrell, J. 2015. “How the Machine ‘Thinks:’ Understanding Opacity in Machine Learning Algorithms.”



Pickles, J. ed. 1995. Ground truth: the social implications of geographic information systems. New York: Guilford Press.

†Kirsch, S. 1995. The incredible shrinking world? Technology and the production of space. Environment and Planning D: Society & Space 13(5): 529-555.

†Thrift, N., and S. French. 2002. The automatic production of space. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 27 (3):309–335.

†Galloway, A. 2004. Intimations of everyday life: Ubiquitous computing and the city. Cultural Studies 18 (2-3):384–408.

†Graham, S. D. 2005. Software-sorted geographies. Progress in Human Geography 29 (5):562–580.

Fuller, M. 2005. Media Ecologies.

†Crang, M., and S. Graham. 2007. SENTIENT CITIES Ambient intelligence and the politics of urban space. Information, Communication & Society 10 (6):789–817.

†Dodge, M., R. Kitchin, and M. Zook. 2009. How does software make space? Exploring some geographical dimensions of pervasive computing and software studies. Environment and Planning A 41 (6):1283–1293.

†Kitchin, R., and M. Dodge. 2011. Code/space: Software and Everyday Life. MIT Press.

†Rose-Redwood, R. 2012. With Numbers in Place: Security, Territory, and the Production of Calculable Space. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102 (2):295–319.

†Kinsley, S. 2014. The matter of “virtual” geographies. Progress in Human Geography 38 (3):364–384.

†Leszczynski, A. 2014. Spatial media/tion. Progress in Human Geography.

†Rose, G., M. Degen, and C. Melhuish. 2014. Networks, interfaces, and computer-generated images: learning from digital visualisations of urban redevelopment projects. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 32 (3):386–403.



Turing, A. M. 1950. I.—COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INTELLIGENCE. Mind LIX (236):433–460.

Weiner, N. 1954. Men, Machines, and the World About. Medicine and Science.

Engelbart, D. 1962. Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework. Stanford, CA: SRI.

Weizenbaum, J. 1976. Computer power and human reason: from judgment to calculation. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman.

Suchman, L. A. 1987. Plans and situated actions: the problem of human-machine communication. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Beer, D. 2009. Power through the algorithm? Participatory web cultures and the technological unconscious. New Media & Society 11 (6):985–1002.

†Wilson, M. W. 2011. “Training the eye”: formation of the geocoding subject. Social & Cultural Geography 12 (4):357–376.

Cheney-Lippold, J. 2011. A New Algorithmic Identity: Soft Biopolitics and the Modulation of Control. Theory, Culture & Society 28(6): 164-181.

Bucher, T. 2012. Want to be on the top? Algorithmic power and the threat of invisibility on Facebook. New Media & Society 14 (7):1164–1180.

†Wilson, M. W. 2014. Continuous connectivity, handheld computers, and mobile spatial knowledge. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 32 (3):535–555.

Hui, Y. 2015. Modulation after Control. new formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics 84 (84):74–91.



Golumbia, D. 2009. The Cultural Logic of Computation. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.

Edwards, P. 2010. A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming.

Chun, W. H. K. 2011. Programmed visions: software and memory. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

†Kinsley, S. 2012. Futures in the making: practices to anticipate “ubiquitous computing.” Environment and Planning A 44 (7):1554–1569.

Vertesi, J. 2015. Seeing like a Rover: how robots, teams, and images craft knowledge of Mars. Chicago ; London: The University of Chicago Press.

†Woodward, K., J. P. Jones, L. Vigdor, S. A. Marston, H. Hawkins, and D. P. Dixon. 2015. One Sinister Hurricane: Simondon and Collaborative Visualization. Annals of the Association of American Geographers :1–16.

Halpern, O. 2015. Beautiful Data: A History of Vision and Reason since 1945.



Mattelart, A. 2000. Networking the world, 1794-2000. Minneapolis, Mn: University of Minnesota Press.

Lash, S. 2007. Power after Hegemony: Cultural Studies in Mutation? Theory, Culture & Society 24 (3):55–78.

Beer, D. 2009. Power through the Algorithm? Participatory Web Cultures and the Technological Unconscious. New Media & Society 11(6): 985-1002.

Gillespie, T. 2010. The politics of “platforms.” New Media & Society 12 (3):347–364.

Castells, M. 2011. Network Theory| A Network Theory of Power. International Journal of Communication 5:15.

Tawil-Souri, H. 2012. Digital occupation: Gaza’s high-tech enclosure. Journal of Palestine Studies 41 (2):27–43.

†Amoore, L. 2013. The politics of possibility: risk and security beyond probability. Durham: Duke University Press.

Gillespie, T. 2014. The Relevance of Algorithms. In Media Technologies: Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society, edited by Tarleton Gillespie, Pablo Boczkowski, and Kirsten Foot: MIT Press

Schuppli, S. 2014. Deadly Algorithms: Can legal codes hold software accountable for code that kills? Radical Philosophy 187: 1-8.

Striphas, Ted. 2015. “Algorithmic Culture.” European Journal of Cultural Studies 18(4-5): 395-412.

Mattern, S. 2015. Mission Control: A History of the Urban Dashboard.

Crawford, K. 2015. “Can an Algorithm Be Agonistic? Ten Scenes from Life in Calculated Publics.” Science, Technology & Human Values.

Bratton, B. 2016. The Stack: On Software and Sovereignty.



Nelson, T. H. 1982 (1974). Computer lib: you can and must understand computers now; Dream machines: new freedoms through computer screens – a minority report. [Chicago]: Nelson.

Kelty, C. 2008. Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software.

Drucker, J. 2009. SpecLab: digital aesthetics and projects in speculative computing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Medina, E. 2011. Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende’s Chile.



Drucker, J. 2014. Graphesis: visual forms of knowledge production. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

Fraser, A. 2007. Coded spatialities of fieldwork. Area 39 (2):242–245.

†Kitchin, R. 2014. Thinking Critically About and Researching Algorithms. SSRN Electronic Journal. (last accessed 27 May 2015).

Langlois, G., and G. Elmer. 2013. The research politics of social media platforms. Culture Machine 14:1–17.

Morrow, O., R. Hawkins, and L. Kern. 2015. Feminist research in online spaces. Gender, Place & Culture 22 (4):526–543.

Ratto, M. 2011. Critical Making: Conceptual and Material Studies in Technology and Social Life. The Information Society 27 (4): 252–60.

†Rose, G. 2001. Visual methodologies: an introduction to the interpretation of visual materials. London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage.

†———. 2016. Rethinking the geographies of cultural “objects” through digital technologies: Interface, network and friction. Progress in Human Geography.

Mattern, S. 2016 Cloud and Field. Places Journal.

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