Archive for the 'projects' Category



The students in my Internet Tools & Concepts class created a great exhibit that exists both online and off. Check out the online version, which includes an interactive 3-D gallery, links to online work, project descriptions, and documentation of the IRL show.

Hacking for Artists is starting up this June. Here’s the invite:

I am organizing a series of free workshops for artists who want to learn how to use computer programming and electronics in their practices. The first session will begin this June and will focus on electronics. I will be setting up an electronics lab in my studio and there will be lots of things to play with. Maybe you want to build an oscillator, create a solar-powered motor, power a computer with your bicycle, hack a receipt printer, measure air quality with an arduino, control something with your brain waves, bend some circuits, or get help bringing a project to fruition.

The workshops will start at 7pm and go until we’re not having fun anymore. They will be on June 5th, June 12th, and June 19th at [please email me for the location]

Please RSVP if you plan on coming. You should come to the workshop with an idea of something you would like to work towards and I’ll help you make it happen by providing you with resources, ideas, and some instruction. If you already have an idea, feel free to send it my way so I can order some of the things you will need. Experience with electronics or programming is NOT required or expected!

If you are interested in a more formal introduction to computer programming, check back in the fall when I will be teaching programming as part of this series.

Support for Hacking for Artists is provided by Southern Exposure’s Alternative Exposure Grant Program

And I have a few upcoming shows:

sound installation @ zero station, portland, ME in July:

heart show @ martina }{ johnston, berkeley, CA in September:

mind matters @ ucsf, san francisco, CA in March:


building, the collective that emerged from my MFA thesis, is doing a project for the March 1st Day of Action at UC Santa Cruz. We will be setting up a space for protestors to take a break, have a cup of coffee, talk about the state of public education, reimagine the public university, extend the dialogue to others through a postcard project, and check in on other concurrent actions. Check out our new website for more info:

Made possible by a grant from the Santa Cruz Faculty Association



My Fun-a-Day project is online and will be updated every day! Check it out:

art jokes



Fun-a-Day, a show I started with some friends almost seven years ago, is coming up again! The premise is simple: pick a project (take a photograph, make the bed, draw a picture, bake a cake, etc), do it every day in January, then show your work the following month in a big group show. There will be a bunch of shows around the country this year and everyone is invited to participate. Check out our site for more details and to post your project ideas. Or read our quick start guide to starting a Fun-a-Day show if you want to bring Fun-a-Day to your community.

graphic by kara


I just exhibited my MFA Thesis project, entitled building. Here’s the wall tag text:


by Kyle McKinley and Nick Lally with Ann Altstatt, Karl Baumann, Pou Dimitrijevich, Theresa Enright, Miki Foster, Nik Hanselmann, Jessy Lancaster, Madeline McDonald Lane, Lucas McGranaham, and Sophia Strosberg.

Building anything is a process. Building something good usually involves a lot of people’s ideas and labor. building is what we have called the people and the process of building something good in this building. Each Friday at 2pm, building gets together to talk, eat snacks, and make building. building builds on itself: last week’s building is this week’s built, but this week’s built is the place to build next week’s building. The interests of building include ghosts, software studies, coffee, walks in the woods, things that turn, critical spatial practice, the politics of representation, edge sites, flea markets, poesis, precarity, female-fronted punk bands of the 70s and 80s, and building. However, building interests are always building.  The process of building results in traces of those interests. It also involves traces of the art/works of Nick and Kyle. All those traces are the building where you now stand. What will be building tomorrow?

The artists wish to thank: Kelly Brown, EG Crichton, Sharon Daniel, Jennifer González, Shelby Graham, Chip Lord, Josh McVeigh-Schultz, Joshua Muir, Soraya Murray, Jennifer Parker, Warren Sack, Elizabeth Travelslight, Lyle Troxell, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Rob Wilson, Richard Wohlfeiler, and everyone who contributed to building. This presentation was made possible with funding from UCSC’s Porter College Graduate Arts Research Committee and the Florence French Award.

And here are some photos from building (project descriptions to follow):







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Artclash is organizing a mail art project for May! Registration is due on April 24th via snail mail. So get off the internet and make something IRL!
facebook invite